

  • Passport requirements. Please read them carefully : The photograph is taken on the day of the appointment at the Embassy of Honduras ( no photographs are necessary ).

    Minors under 21 years of age:  Requirements: require authorization (by a Notary Public ) from one of the parents if they cannot appear at the consulate and be accompanied by the other parent.

  • If both parents appear, authorization is not required.

  • Appointment process and requirements:


  • https://citaconsular.sreci.gob.hn/citaconsular/pages/layout/CitaConsular…

  • ****If the appointment system informs you that your identity number is inconsistent, check it later as it is possible that you were disconnected from the National Registry of Persons.

  • STEP 2 Documents:
  • Honduran Identity Card (if you never process a Honduran identity card, you need an Affidavit by a Notary Public signed by a relative within the 4th degree of Consanguinity or 2nd Degree of Affinity).
  • At the Consulate the family member can sign an affidavit, for an additional cost of US$50.00.
  • National Identification Document (DNI) for people who have the new identification. If you have an Identity Card and do not have the new DNI, you must make an Enrollment Appointment for the new Identification Document (DNI). This is done on the dating platform in 
  • **Honduras Birth Certificate (mandatory to bring it on the day of the appointment).
  • Previous passport (if you have one)  if not, you must present a document with a Honduran license photograph, etc.
  • Bank Draft from your Bank in American Dollars in the name of: CONSULATE HONDURAS . How to purchase BANK DRAFT You  inform the cashier that you want to purchase BANK DRAFT from your account in USD$, CAD is not accepted.
  • Passport Cost 5 years -60 USD dollars – minors can only process five years.
  • Passport Cost 10 years -75USD dollars

  • Prepaid envelope with identification (tracking) -Canada Post for the return of the passport
  • Consulate Address 130 Albert Street suite 805 Ottawa, Ontario K1P5G4 tel. 613-233-8900


Solicitudes para Menores de 21 años / Solamente se puede hacer por 5 Años US $ 60.00 Además de presentar los documentos antes indicados, es obligación que ambos padres o el padre o la madre que ejerza la patria potestad y en defecto de ellos sus tutores y/o representantes legales presenten su tarjeta de identidad y firmen el formulario. En caso de estar ausente uno de los padres el que se presente deberá acompañar una autorización, autenticada por notario público, que a su vez deberá ser autenticada por la Cámara de Notarios de la Provincia en la cual el notario ejerza la profesión.

Cuando se trate de menores de edad emancipados o habilitados de edad o que hayan contraído matrimonio no están obligados a presentar autorización de los padres o tutores, pero sí el de presentar la documentación que acredite cualquiera de las circunstancias señaladas (acta de matrimonio, dictamen judicial, etc.)

Identification documents:

1. Birth Certificate | 2. Passport | 3. Identity Card

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